Monday 12 November 2007

advantages and disadvantages of social networking

advantages of web 2.0: allows the users to converse with their friends for free e.g. comments on bebo or "pokes" on facebook. users can control how much personal information they give out and whether or not their profile can be open to public views, if a user takes the necessary precautions, using web 2.0 is a good way of communicating with friends and relatives.

disadvantages of web 2.0: it has been used extremely inappropriately by a number of people, this is shown in the investigation by Italian police over the murder of Meredith Kercher. one of the suspects, Raffaele Sollecito, has posted a picture on his weblog with a large meat cleaver. this shows that web 2.0 has been used to publicise violence and also for stalkers hunting their victims. this has happened when videos of the murdered 11 year-old, Rhys Jones, emerged on youtube. these kind of problems are occuring more and more, maybe because of web 2.0.

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