Thursday 7 February 2008

How has digital technology changed the film industry??

PRODUCTION:- The main way that digital technology has changed the film industry's production is through the use of special effects. Special effects began with with the use of "in-camera" effects, these were the equivalent of pro-filmic stunts filmed in front of the camera. Another development in the production of film is post-production special effects, mainly Computer Generated Imagery (CGI). CGI is the application of computer graphics to special effects in films. CGI is used for visual effects because effects are more controllable, for example, when filming a battle scene, it would be simpler and easier to control to use CGI rather than lots of extras. Also CGI allows the creation of images that would not be feasable using any other technology.

DISTRIBUTION:- New technologies have affected ditribution in the film industry, this is mainly due to the use of the internet to download movies from. The ability to download films from the internet has developed the film industry with movie trailers publicising their films on the internet. Another way that digital technology has improved the film industry is by the introductionn of Digital Video Disca (DVD's). DVD's have helped to change the film industry because it is much more appealling to go and buy a disc which holds a film on and then watch different scenes without having to constantly rewind or fast forward. The new ways of films being distributed using dugital technology such as shipping on hardrives or via satellite networks, this has led to over 4000 digital cinemas being set up in America. Also, digital cinematography is a lot cheaper than making film prints, which can cost up to $2000 each.

EXHIBITION:- Digital technologies have changed the exhibition and popularity of modern film, especially special effects. Special effects have created a new motive for audiences to go and view films because of their special effects and extensive use of CGI. For example, King Kong was a popular film because of the publicised special effects and how the film revolved around it. Digital tecnology has also helped exhibition of the film industry because it has allowed film producers and directors to make bigger and better films with more scenes that create visceral pleasure for the audience.

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